Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring Time in Wisconsin

Spring seemed to come late this year, it was a long cold winter. But now that a few things are blooming I thought I would post some pictures for those who believe that we only have snow in Wisconsin!!
A few things are starting to bloom on our little hill out front. Other things are starting to grow to, and later on in the summer we will have Sunflowers and Black Eyed Susans' taking over this hill. 
Last year Justine did a great job a getting some grass growing. However, the stupid people at Menards gave her annual grass, why would you want annual grass??? This year I went to True Value instead and got some perennial grass. I just planted this the other day so I hope it grows as well as Justine's did last year.

This is our little back yard. We put the patio in 2 years ago and we eat outside as much as the weather will allow. We have a little fire pit to that makes for a nice evening to hang outside and cook smores. We also planted a lot of flowers along the edges to so we hope those grow fast too.

1 comment:

  1. Annual Grass??? You've got to be kidding.

    Your place looks darling.

